Free stuff from B28 Maths Tutor
Looking for free stuff? This is the place for it!
Free stuff to download
This is where you can get access to a number of useful downloads (some pictured here) to help you with your Maths, including:
- Mental Maths tricks
- Resource list handouts for GCSE, A-level and the Level 3 BTEC in Engineering
- GCSE Maths formula sheets (one covering both tiers, one for Foundation only)
- A-level Maths formula sheet
- Casio calculator instructions (Statistics on the Classwiz fx-991EX and fx-991CW, and general instructions for the fx-9750 GII graphical calc)
- Skills checklists and cheat sheets for A-level
- … and more!
And in addition, you’ll get special discount codes for my online courses – including FREE access to the whole of Module 1 of my Grade 4 Essentials course – as well as priority access to any new services offered.
All you need to do to access these goodies is to sign up to my mailing list using the form below. I promise I won’t inundate you with emails – I normally just send out one newsletter per month – and you can unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email footer.

Free Facebook support group for GCSE and A-level Maths help
If you would like some free maths help then you are very welcome to join my “GCSE and A-level Maths Help” Facebook group, where you can post your questions and help other students with theirs. There are tutors and teachers helping out too, but explaining to someone else how to answer a question helps you to crystallise it in your own mind, and is also great practice for making sure you’ve included all the necessary content in your exam answers!